Self-regualted Learning within the Personal Learning Environment (SRL⏋PLE)

Afterthought – Course in quantitative methods

14 Sep 2017

This week and the week before I attended a course in quantitative methods. My project is not a quantitative project as such, but knowing about what you don't know is always good. I have a survey, but it's not part of my primary analysis in the project.

The course was asking all the questions that you would ask a quantitative project – sometimes hard to relate to my project. Here is just a few point that I found important.

Hypothesis I never thought that hard about writing a hypothesis. And maybe with good reason. If I look at my problem statement it starts off with a “How”. How can I ever make an investigation on “how” into something that is falsifiable? Maybe I can challenge previews findings (if I could find any), but I will never get close to a conclusion that answers my problem statement in a true or false.

Systematic review Another thing that I found interesting was the purpose of the systematic review. I have a systematic review, but I can see that there is potential for more then just referring to articles that more or less match in topic. I know that I'm not able to do a meta-analysis (from the diverse set of qualitative research articles), but still I need to look into the findings in a more quantitative sense.